Bread_Kittens Wiki
Sunrise Shores
Game: Bread Kittens
Region Number: 9
Levels: 40 - 46
Highest Rarity: Unique
Boss: Tiger
Breads Unlocked: Pita, Marbled Rye

Sunrise Shores is the ninth stop in your Bread Kittens adventure.  Modeled after Hawaii, you walk the beach of a fabulous volcanic island.  There are 11 kitten varieties in this region, and their levels range from 40 - 46.

Upon completion of Sunrise Shores, Pita and Marbled Rye breads are unlocked.

Came from: Eastport Harbor

Next stop: Timber Forest

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Common Kittens[]

Kitten Attack Health Speed Coat Variation Level Range Node(s) Notes
Bobtail 5 5 3 Brown 40-45 1, 3*, 5, 7* -
Bobtail 6 5 4 Calico 41-43 2, 5 Elusive

Uncommon Kittens[]

Kitten Attack Health Speed Coat Variation Level Range Node(s) Notes
British Longhair 8 4 8 Blue-Gray 41-46 2, 4*, 6, 8* -
Exotic Shorthair 6 7 7 Orange 40-45 1, 4, 7 Elusive

Rare Kittens[]

Kitten Attack Health Speed Coat Variation Level Range Node(s) Notes
Cheetoh 9 6 12 Orange 41-44 3, 6 Elusive
Peterbald 9 6 6 Orange 41-43 2, 5 Elusive
Ragdoll 8 6 6 White w/ Brown Patches 40-45 1*, 3, 5*, 7 -
Ukrainian Levkoy 8 7 6 Pink 40-45 1, 3, 7 Elusive

Very Rare Kittens[]

Kitten Attack Health Speed Coat Variation Level Range Node(s) Notes
Munchkin 10 6 2 Orange 41-44 2*, 4, 6* -
Singapura 8 9 9 Dark Grey 42-44 4, 6 Elusive

Unique Kittens[]

Kitten Attack Health Speed Coat Variation Level Range Node(s) Notes
Tiger 9 9 8 White 46 8 Boss

Battle Spots[]

This region has 8 spots where you can bread kittens and earn 1 - 3 stars. Kittens marked with an (E) are elusive; there are two elusive kittens per node. When walking from node to node, sometimes a kitten will ambush you; these types of encounters are marked with an (A). Note that the boss kitten's HP on the first encounter (with all the red skulls floating) is higher than the number listed here (around double).

Node Level Kitten Health
1 40 Bobtail 13,991
Exotic Shorthair E 19,229
Ukrainian Levkoy E 19,229
Ragdoll A 16,610
2 41 British Longhair 11,728
Bobtail E 14,436
Peterbald E 17,143
Munchkin A 17,143
3 41 Ragdoll 17,143
Cheetoh E 17,143
Ukrainian Levkoy E 19,850
Bobtail A 14,436
4 42 Munchkin 17,679
Exotic Shorthair E 20,476
Singapura E 26,069
British Longhair A 12,087
5 43 Bobtail 15,334
Bobtail E 15,334
Peterbald E 18,221
Ragdoll A 18,221
6 44 British Longhair 12,810
Cheetoh E 18,766
Singapura E 27,702
Munchkin A 18,766
7 45 Ragdoll 19,317
Exotic Shorthair E 22,388
Ukrainian Levkoy E 22,388
Bobtail A 16,248
8 46 Tiger 29,359
British Longhair A 13,548


Ukrainian Levkoy elusive profile

Ukrainian Levkoy- Rare, Elusive(Pink)
